Club App

Android application to manage events, users and loyalty of your club. It is easy to fork, modify and extend according to your needs. The application was developed in Kotlin, using the native Android framework and common design patterns. Features Club events managed according to categories and dates. Confirmation of assistance through QR code. Loyalty of members through points system based on attendance at events. Alerts with notification push for administrators. Private club chat....

August 6, 2019 · 2 min · nfdz


Android library for indoor and outdoor Wi-Fi navigation. On the one hand, it does not use the latest Wi-Fi navigation provided in the latest Android SDK versions, so the minimum version can remain low. It enables you to navigate in any kind of scenarios. On the other hand, the purpose is different from that new Wi-Fi navigation provided in the latest Android SDK. It needs a preset of records from the different spots where you want to locate the user....

July 5, 2018 · 2 min · nfdz

Permissions Watcher

The Android permissions system is powerful and it was an incredibly big advance compared to old Android verions. Applications usually ask for permissions in a context where they could be justified. However, why do apps keep this acquired permission forever? This question was the beginning of this project and summarize the concept very well. I was really missing this feature in Android, I looked for any application that would do something like this and I was not able to find anything....

January 20, 2018 · 4 min · nfdz

Dependency Locator

Dependency inversion on Java and Android using the classic service locator pattern. For the development proccess of this project I have followed the Test-driven development (TDD) approach. I was very interested in creating a good set of tests to ensure that it works well in any case as it is a critical piece of the software architecture. The library is free software (Apache-2.0) and you can see the code on GitHub....

November 12, 2017 · 2 min · nfdz


This is a writing application without distractions and fuss, easy to use and tiny. Key Features Markdown support. Writing statistics: time, words count. Ambient music. Right to left support. Import and Export. Storage friendly. Favorite files. Search. Battery friendly. Markdown helper: H1, H2 and H3 Bold, italic and strikethrough Quote List (bulleted and numbered) Link Image and video (Youtube) Motivation I wanted to learn and use new patterns and libraries on Android....

August 6, 2017 · 6 min · nfdz