Dependency Locator

Dependency inversion on Java and Android using the classic service locator pattern. For the development proccess of this project I have followed the Test-driven development (TDD) approach. I was very interested in creating a good set of tests to ensure that it works well in any case as it is a critical piece of the software architecture. The library is free software (Apache-2.0) and you can see the code on GitHub....

November 12, 2017 · 2 min · nfdz


This is a writing application without distractions and fuss, easy to use and tiny. Key Features Markdown support. Writing statistics: time, words count. Ambient music. Right to left support. Import and Export. Storage friendly. Favorite files. Search. Battery friendly. Markdown helper: H1, H2 and H3 Bold, italic and strikethrough Quote List (bulleted and numbered) Link Image and video (Youtube) Motivation I wanted to learn and use new patterns and libraries on Android....

August 6, 2017 · 6 min · nfdz